

Sepsis Main
Sepsis Solution

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body‘s response to an infection. It is a global health crisis most common and most dangerous in: Older adults Pregnant women Children (0-12 months) People suffering from chronic

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Multiplex Biomedica

Biomedica is your go to partner for modern and best in class multiplex solutions and workflows that fit the needs of every research institution and clinical laboratory. It is often more beneficial to study multiple targets and analytes, as opposed

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Cell biology
Cell Biology

Cell biology is a fundamental discipline within biological sciences, covering the study of all aspects related to the unit of life, the cell. Whether your research is structural, molecular, or physiological, Biomedica provides a comprehensive Cell

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Pharma qc
Pharmaceutical Quality Control

Quality control is a crucial function of the pharmaceutical industry. Customers are expecting safe and reliable products they can count on. State of the art quality control prevents drug manufacturers from bringing potentially harmful goods to the

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EP 11 04
Biomedica Analytical Services

Analytical Services – Biomedica – reliable & flexible Biomedica offers custom analytical testing services for the measurement of your samples: ELISA, Luminex, microRNA, Glycoprofiling, and NGS.Find out more:

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Funghi Mailing
Biomedica Fungal Solution

Fungal infections affect approximately one quarter of the global population. They are responsible for at least 1,350,000 deaths worldwide per year, primarily in patients with compromised immune system. An observed increase in incidence of drug

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Add Life Labtech Diagnostics customer support staff of 104 Europe
AddLife Customer Support

Are you looking for a diagnostics distributor in Europe? AddLife Labtech Diagnostic have customer support of 104 persons in 29 European countries.Welcome to match-making here!

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Labtech Diagnostics biomedica
AddLife Labtech Diagnostics

Are you looking for a diagnostics distributor in Europe? AddLife Labtech Diagnostic has a sales staff of 342 professionals in 29 European countries. We have dedicated employees with a high education level and many years of experience in each

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Biomedica Branding

Biomedica, founded in Vienna more than 40 years ago, is a leading distributor of medical devices, in-vitro diagnostics, products for life sciences, Biomedica Immunoassays and Clinical IT. With 12 offices in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and a

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A new generation of plate reader

#Biomedica is happy to introduce you a new generation of #Plate #Reader. The #Absorbance96 is a uniquely designed, solid state #microplatereader with 96 detection units developed by the German #lifescience company Byonoy.Despite its compact form,

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Global Technology

Biomedica acts as a hub for global suppliers providing state-of-the-art technology for healthcare and science, as well as for local customers with specific local needs and requirements.

Hospitals Clinical Centres

We provide state-of-the-art technology from our global suppliers for clinicians, patient care, diagnostics, research and clinical IT. This enables us to offer solutions for all departments and local needs in order to support healthcare.

Private Labs Doctors’ Practices

Healthcare professionals in private practices/institutions are supported with products adapted to their needs and the size of the healthcare facility.

Universities Research Institutes

To support laboratories and research activities in various facilities, we offer “research-use-only” products and services and provide state-of-the-art technology.

Industry Partners

Our industrial customers are very diverse and range from QC departments in pharma and food companies to biotech start-ups. In addition to kits and ready-to-use products, we offer customised solutions to meet our customers’ specific requirements.

Local Customers

Local Customers

Due to the size of the company, its financial stability and international presence, Biomedica is able to guarantee professional and flexible customer support throughout the CEE region.

Medical Devices

From the very beginning, the distribution of medical devices for cardiac surgery departments has been the core business of Biomedica in the CEE region. We are very proud of having over thirty years of experience in significantly increasing expertise and cultural understanding in this area. Currently, a wide variety of medical devices are sold to...

In Vitro Diagnostics

Our IVD team is responsible for a wide range of human diagnostic products in private laboratories, hospital laboratories and reference centres in 13 countries. Biomedica is specialised in areas that use state-of-the-art technology comprising point-of-care testing as well as medium to high throughput testing. Many of our products are validated for...

Life Sciences

Our comprehensive portfolio includes over 1,000,000 products from select international suppliers. Together we offer flexible solutions tailored to the needs of our local customers. Increasing international competition in the field of research requires personal customer support which focuses on planning and the realisation of projects. Biomedica’s...

Biomedica Immunoassays

Biomedica Immunoassays started its own R&D programme in 1988 and now produces a range of innovative immunoassays for clinical research in the field of cardiorenal diseases as well as mineral and bone disorders. We are setting the standard for clinical research using serum-based calibrators and controls, thus enabling researchers to collect...

Clinical IT

The Clinical IT department offers medical software solutions that are adapted to the needs of our customers with the support of our team. Over the past years, a lot of experience has been gained in the implementation of software projects in the field of anesthesia departments, Intensive Care Units (ICU), Intermediate Care Units (IMCU) as well as...


Our Industry and Agrofood division supplies academic, public, private, industrial (pharma, cosmetics, food, feed, dairy) and other commercial institutions with diagnostic products. It is our mission to provide top-quality products from various international suppliers because we understand the needs of our customers who work in industrial...

Application and Service

The Application team supports our local Sales team as well as our customers. They are involved in product training and are also responsible for troubleshooting and responding to product-specific questions. The Service department handles the installation and maintenance of the devices, as well as the repair of defective instruments. This unique...

Hospitals Clinical Centres

Private Labs Doctors’ Practices

Universities Research Institutes

Industry Partners

Austria - Headquarters
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia